Hunting Safety (33)

A hunter in a tree stand using a FAS system.

Elevated Hunting: Why You Need a FAS System

There's nothing quite like the magic of hunting from a tree stand. Whether it's the improved vantage point, staying above your quarry's scent detection zone, or just the basic comfort, tree stands are a valuable tool in the whitetail and bear hunter's arsenal. If you choose to…

Close-up of a deer's head while a hunter holds it up after a kill shot, dressing a deer concept.

After the Shot: Dressing a Deer in the Field

Harvesting your first deer can be one of life's most exhilarating experiences. Hours of practicing with your weapon, studying your quarry's behavior, and exhaustively planning your hunt have finally paid off. However, the real work begins when you have to field dress a deer. Processing your…

A hunter in a tree stand with a bow.

Elevated Hunting: How to Stay Safe in Tree Stands

There's nothing quite like the thrill of hunting from a tree stand. The elevated vantage point and ability to stay hidden for hours make tree stands a favorite for bear and whitetail hunters. However, gravity always has a say when using an elevated stand, so you should…

A female hunter in camo uses the trail carry with her firearm.

Firearm Safety: How to Use the Trail Carry

As a hunter, you must navigate various terrains while safely handling your firearm. Compared to shooting at a range with a firing line to mark your safety boundaries, hunting in the field requires a 360-degree awareness when holding your rifle or shotgun. Whether moving through dense…

A hunter in camo aims a shotgun, using sights on shotgun firearms concept.

Shotgun Know-How: Using The Sights On Shotgun Firearms

Whether you're a wing shooter or whitetail hunter, mastering your shotgun's sights is critical to a successful and safe hunt. From the time-tested traditional bead sights to today's advanced electronic optics, knowing the pros and cons of each sighting system can dramatically improve your effectiveness in…