Hunting Safety (34)

Hunters in a helicopter flying over hogs, helicopter hog hunting concept.

Helicopter Hog Hunting: Should You Try It?

Sometimes, hunters need new strategies when a species like the feral hog experiences tremendous population growth and causes millions of dollars in agricultural damage. Traditional hunting methods barely dent the feral hog's ecosystem disruption, so hunters have taken to the skies. Hunting feral hogs from…

Beagles ready for a rabbit hunt.

A Guide to Hunting Rabbits With Beagles

Hunting rabbits with beagles can be a thrilling small-game pursuit. It combines high-energy excitement with the joy of partnering with a skilled and dedicated canine companion. A beagle's remarkable scent-trailing abilities and enthusiasm make it outstanding at flushing rabbits from the dense cover that humans…

A man takes a photo of a boy with deer kill, Illinois Apprentice or Youth Hunting License concept.

What Is an Illinois Apprentice or Youth Hunting License?

New hunters in Illinois have several options when it comes to getting their first hunting license. The state has two programs to introduce novice hunters to the sport through supervised, hands-on experience: the Illinois Apprentice or Youth Hunting License. Both programs are designed to help…

A hunting dog waits with his hunters.

A Guide to Hog Hunting With Dogs

Using dogs to find and pursue feral hogs can provide a rewarding hunting experience and an effective method for managing one of North America's most invasive and destructive species. Whether you're a seasoned hunter looking for a new challenge or a newcomer wanting to explore this dynamic…

A coyote decoy in the snow during a hunt.

How to Use Coyote Hunting Decoys [A Guide]

Successfully hunting coyotes, arguably North America's most wiley predator, presents a challenging blend of strategy and fieldcraft. Artfully using decoys can significantly improve your success rate by adding a realistic visual element to your setup. After all, your calls, decoys, and ambush sites are all…