General Hunting Tips (27)

A moose in a field, identifying elk vs. moose concept.

Animal Identification Guide: Elk vs Moose

Spotting the differences between elk vs moose is simple once you know how. Both animals are relatively common in North America, but their traits are apparent enough that hunters can quickly identify their target species using proper knowledge. Misidentifying these animals can lead to legal…

A mule deer in a field of tall grass.

Animal Identification: Mule Deer vs Whitetail

Accurately identifying the game you're hunting can be complicated, but it's integral to being a well-rounded hunter. Knowing the difference between mule deer vs whitetail deer will help you comply with hunting regulations and avoid breaking the law. Even a veteran hunter can find it tricky to…

Close-up of a hunter holding a compound bow with an arrow, parts of an arrow concept.

Bowhunting Basics: Understanding the Parts of an Arrow

Bowhunting requires precision, patience, and a deep understanding of your equipment. One of the most essential aspects of being an excellent bowhunter is knowing the different parts of an arrow and how each component contributes to your success in the field. Understanding your bowhunting equipment enhances…

Two buck deer at a distance in a snowy field, the rules of fair chase address concept.

Hunting Ethics and the Rules of Fair Chase Address

Ethics in hunting are what drives the sport's integrity and traditions. Central to the ethics of many hunters is what the rules of fair chase address as guidelines that prevent hunters from gaining an undue advantage over their quarry. Understanding and adhering to how the…

A revolver laying on a table and holster next to ammunition, understanding gun calibers concept.

Why Hunters Need to Understand Gun Calibers

Understanding gun calibers is an aspect of hunting that directly impacts a hunter's ability, safety, and ethical behavior. In other words, it's foundational to success. Below, you'll learn why hunters need a deep understanding of calibers, why they matter, and how this knowledge can improve your hunting…