Firearms (23)

A female hunter in camo uses the trail carry with her firearm.

Firearm Safety: How to Use the Trail Carry

As a hunter, you must navigate various terrains while safely handling your firearm. Compared to shooting at a range with a firing line to mark your safety boundaries, hunting in the field requires a 360-degree awareness when holding your rifle or shotgun. Whether moving through dense…

A hunter in camo aims a shotgun, using sights on shotgun firearms concept.

Shotgun Know-How: Using The Sights On Shotgun Firearms

Whether you're a wing shooter or whitetail hunter, mastering your shotgun's sights is critical to a successful and safe hunt. From the time-tested traditional bead sights to today's advanced electronic optics, knowing the pros and cons of each sighting system can dramatically improve your effectiveness in…

A hunter wearing a blaze orange hat walks in a field, consider bolt-action shotgun concept.

Should You Use a Bolt-Action Shotgun to Hunt?

From the 16th-century single-shot black powder "fowling pieces" to today's magazine-fed rapid-fire shotguns, the scattergun remains a favorite among experienced and novice hunters alike. While most hunters are familiar with the pump-action and semi-automatic shotguns, the bolt action shotgun seems like an iconic throwback to a long-forgotten…

Close-up of a hunter holding a shotgun against his chest, what might cause a firearm to explode concept.

Shotgun Know-How: What Might Cause a Shotgun to Explode?

Understanding the potential dangers of improper shotgun use is crucial for every hunter. Safety isn't just about avoiding accidents – it's about respecting the power of your firearm and ensuring that every shot is taken with the utmost care. So, what are the dangers of…

A revolver laying on a table and holster next to ammunition, understanding gun calibers concept.

Why Hunters Need to Understand Gun Calibers

Understanding gun calibers is an aspect of hunting that directly impacts a hunter's ability, safety, and ethical behavior. In other words, it's foundational to success. Below, you'll learn why hunters need a deep understanding of calibers, why they matter, and how this knowledge can improve your hunting…