Why Hunters Need to Understand Gun Calibers

Understanding gun calibers is an aspect of hunting that directly impacts a hunter's ability, safety, and ethical behavior. In other words, it's foundational to success. Below, you'll learn why hunters need a deep understanding of calibers, why they matter, and how this knowledge can improve your hunting…

Hitting Your Target: What is the Sight Picture?

Accuracy is everything in hunting. The difference between a clean, ethical kill and a wounded animal often comes down to the sight picture. Part of shooting accurately is understanding different aspects of the shooting process and connecting your shooting action to your firearm. One important…

Shotgun Know-How: The Parts of a Shotgun

When hunting, the shotgun should be an extension of your body for the best potential of being an accurate shooter. Understanding your shotgun and how it works can help make lifting and shooting at your intended target a more seamless action. Whether pursuing small game, upland…